Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 engine, designed for building scalable network applications. It's widely used for server-side development and is known for its non-blocking, event-driven architecture.
Avg Gas Price {vega}1,824
Transactions (24h)31,895
Total Accounts0.24
Arc Price {$}21.381
Liquidity {$}1
Avg Block time {ms}Arcturus is a blockchain network designed to support decentralized applications (dApps) with a focus on scalability and security. As a fork of Ethereum, it utilizes a Turing-complete programming language for smart contracts and a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism. This enables developers to create complex applications with custom rules for ownership and transactions, while ensuring efficient interaction between different dApps on the network.
Arcturus also enhances the user experience and developer tools within its ecosystem by supporting multi-currency transactions and decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols. The network emphasizes decentralization, security, and interoperability, making it a versatile platform for innovative solutions across various sectors, including finance, supply chain, and digital identity.
Arcturus Chain's Proof of Stake (POS) consensus mechanism ensures better security and protection against malicious attacks.
Arcturus Chain's consensus-oriented approach ensures that all participants have a say in the governance and decision-making process of the platform.
The Arcturus Chain platform ensures the immutability of data and transactions, making them tamper-proof and unalterable.
Arcturus Chain offers faster transaction settlement times thanks to its high-performance consensus algorithm and optimized network architecture.
Arcturus Project’s decentralized nature makes it a safe and ideal option for storing digital assets. By utilizing cryptographic hashes, each asset can be securely stored on the blockchain and traced as it changes hands, ensuring transparency and security for all parties involved.
1const Web3 = require('web3');
2const web3 = new Web3('');
3const privateKey = 'YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY';
4const account = web3.eth.accounts.privateKeyToAccount(privateKey);
6async function sendTransaction() {
7 const tx = {
8 from: account.address,
10 value: web3.utils.toWei('0.1', 'ether'),
11 gas: 21000,
12 };
13 const signedTx = await web3.eth.accounts.signTransaction(tx, privateKey);
14 const receipt = await web3.eth.sendSignedTransaction(signedTx.rawTransaction);
15 console.log('Transaction receipt:', receipt);
1from web3 import Web3
2w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(''))
3private_key = 'YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY'
4account = w3.eth.account.privateKeyToAccount(private_key)
5def send_transaction():
6 tx = {
7 'from': account.address,
9 'value': w3.toWei(0.1, 'ether'),
10 'gas': 21000,
11 'gasPrice': w3.toWei('50', 'gwei'),
12 'nonce': w3.eth.getTransactionCount(account.address),
13 }
14 signed_tx = w3.eth.account.signTransaction(tx, private_key)
15 tx_hash = w3.eth.sendRawTransaction(signed_tx.rawTransaction)
16 print(f'Transaction hash: {tx_hash.hex()}')
1package main
2import (
3 "context"
4 "fmt"
5 ""
6 ""
7 ""
8 ""
9 ""
11func main() {
12 client, err := ethclient.Dial("")
13 if err != nil {
14 log.Fatal(err)
15 }
16 privateKey, err := crypto.HexToECDSA("YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY")
17 if err != nil {
18 log.Fatal(err)
19 }
20 publicKey := privateKey.Public()
21 publicKeyECDSA, ok := publicKey.(*ecdsa.PublicKey)
22 if !ok {
23 log.Fatal("error casting public key to ECDSA")
24 }
25 fromAddress := crypto.PubkeyToAddress(*publicKeyECDSA)
26 nonce, err := client.PendingNonceAt(context.Background(), fromAddress)
27 if err != nil {
28 log.Fatal(err)
29 }
30 value := big.NewInt(100000000000000000) // 0.1 eth
31 gasLimit := uint64(21000) // in units
32 gasPrice, err := client.SuggestGasPrice(context.Background())
33 if err != nil {
34 log.Fatal(err)
35 }
36 toAddress := common.HexToAddress("RECIPIENT_ADDRESS")
37 var data []byte
38 tx := types.NewTransaction(nonce, toAddress, value, gasLimit, gasPrice, data)
39 chainID, err := client.NetworkID(context.Background())
40 if err != nil {
41 log.Fatal(err)
42 }
43 signedTx, err := types.SignTx(tx, types.NewEIP155Signer(chainID), privateKey)
44 if err != nil {
45 log.Fatal(err)
46 }
47 err = client.SendTransaction(context.Background(), signedTx)
48 if err != nil {
49 log.Fatal(err)
50 }
51 fmt.Printf("tx sent: %s", signedTx.Hash().Hex())
1use web3::transports::Http;
2use web3::types::{TransactionParameters, U256};
3use web3::signing::Key;
5async fn main() -> web3::Result<()> {
6 let transport = Http::new("")?;
7 let web3 = web3::Web3::new(transport);
8 let private_key = "YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY";
9 let from = web3::types::H160::from_slice(&hex::decode("YOUR_ADDRESS").unwrap());
10 let to = web3::types::H160::from_slice(&hex::decode("RECIPIENT_ADDRESS").unwrap());
11 let tx = TransactionParameters {
12 to: Some(to),
13 value: U256::exp10(17), // 0.1 eth
14 ..Default::default()
15 };
16 let signed = web3.accounts().sign_transaction(tx, &private_key).await?;
17 let result = web3.eth().send_raw_transaction(signed.raw_transaction).await?;
18 println!("Transaction hash: {:?}", result);
19 Ok(())
Arcturus supports Node.js, Python, Go, and Rust. Node.js is great for scalable network apps, Python is known for simplicity, Go offers high performance and concurrency, and Rust excels in security and memory safety.
Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 engine, designed for building scalable network applications. It's widely used for server-side development and is known for its non-blocking, event-driven architecture.
Arcturus supports Node.js, Python, Go, and Rust. Node.js is great for scalable network apps, Python is known for simplicity, Go offers high performance and concurrency, and Rust excels in security and memory safety.
Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language known for its simplicity and readability. It's widely used for web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and scientific computing.
Arcturus supports Node.js, Python, Go, and Rust. Node.js is great for scalable network apps, Python is known for simplicity, Go offers high performance and concurrency, and Rust excels in security and memory safety.
Go, also known as Golang, is a statically typed, compiled programming language designed by Google. It is known for its simplicity, concurrency support, and performance, making it ideal for backend development and distributed systems.
Arcturus supports Node.js, Python, Go, and Rust. Node.js is great for scalable network apps, Python is known for simplicity, Go offers high performance and concurrency, and Rust excels in security and memory safety.
Rust is a systems programming language focused on safety and performance. It prevents segmentation faults and guarantees thread safety, making it ideal for system-level programming, game development, and performance-critical applications.
Arcturus is a blockchain network that is a fork of Ethereum
and uses the Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. It is
compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), enabling
smart contract functionality and seamless interaction with
Ethereum-based tools.
Arcturus supports multiple
programming languages, including Node.js, Python, Go, and
Rust, allowing developers to create and manage decentralized
applications and transactions on the network efficiently.
Arcturus is a trusted approach because it utilizes the proven
Ethereum framework, ensuring compatibility and reliability.
Its Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism enhances security
by reducing the risk of centralization and lowering energy
consumption compared to Proof of Work (PoW).
Additionally, Arcturus supports multiple
programming languages, providing flexibility and accessibility
for developers. The network's robust architecture and
commitment to security and efficiency make it a reliable
choice for blockchain applications.
Arcturus is a blockchain network forked from Ethereum,
utilizing the Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism for
enhanced security and energy efficiency. It is compatible with
the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), enabling seamless smart
contract deployment.
Arcturus supports multiple
programming languages, including Node.js, Python, Go, and
Rust, offering flexibility and accessibility for developers.
The network aims for high scalability, reliability, and
security, making it ideal for various decentralized
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